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Showing posts from April, 2018


The sports day celebration of PEC. A proud moment is that EIE department of PEC conquered 3rd place among all departments....the first place was conquered by civil  and achieved the overall department trophy...this sports event occur during the month of March once in a year,where all department organize this event. And the huge respect given to this event is that march past will be conducted at the commencement of the sports day and  trophy is awarded for this event separately. Students go through  a tiring practice all through the month to participate in these events.Credit is also awarded for winning team, so this  may inspire to take part and take over the trophy.And the victory lies in the unity among all the 4 yr students to achieve this and also helped us to build a good bond with seniors. And this shows the versatile attitude of the students....and to give a chance for the students with sports talent to take a chance over it.